Construction of the torpedo calculator T. Vh. Re. S3

The socket for the cable connecting with the follow-up switch in the control room (61) The socket for the cable connecting with the firing subsystem control box, which - depending on the kind of shot: single/salvo - switched the control of the motor of the component for calculating the torpedo salvo spread angle to the comparator or to the The socket for the cable connecting with the firing subsystem control box, which - depending on the kind of shot: single/salvo - controlled the relays 45a and 51a (31a) The follow-up switch (63) The torpedo spread angle knob (42) The switch for enabling the component for calculating the current angle on the bow (60) The angle on the bow knob (10) The parallax correction knob (27) The torpedo speed knob and dial (8) (9) The target speed knob (6) The target bearing dial (1) The gyro angle dial (19) The maximum length of the torpedo run indicator (36) The scale for reading the maximum permissible distance to the target in the moment of the torpedo launch (34) The drum representing the maximum length of the torpedo run (33) The socket for connecting the drying device (54) The socket for connecting the drying device (55) The maximum length of the torpedo run knob (35) The target follow-up control lamp (53) The torpedo gyro synchronization control lamp (62) The target length knob and dial (57) (58) The torpedo salvo spread angle dial (39b) The angular speed correction knob and dial (47) (48) The angle on the bow dial (14) The own course change dial (15) The target bearing knob (3) The parallax switch (28) The parallax correction dial (24b) The target speed dial (7) The deflection angle dial (32) The distance to the target knob and indicator (29) (30)


Nr English name German name
1 The target bearing dial Zielrichtung Zeiger
3 The target bearing knob Zielrichtung Drehknopf
6 The target speed knob Gegnerfahrt Drehknopf
7 The target speed dial Gegnerfahrt Zeiger
8 The torpedo speed knob Torpedogeschwindigkeit Drehknopf
9 The torpedo speed indicator Torpedogeschwindigkeit Zeiger
10 The angle on the bow knob Lagenwinkel Drehknopf
14 The angle on the bow dial Lagenwinkel Zeiger
15 The own course change dial Kurs zunehmend Zeiger
19 The gyro angle dial Schußwinkel Zeiger
24b The parallax correction dial Parallaxwinkel Zeiger
27 The parallax correction knob Parallaxwinkel Drehknopf
28 The parallax switch Parallaxe Schalter
29 The distance to the target knob Entfernung Drehknopf
30 The distance to the target dial Entfernung Zeiger
31a The socket for the cable connecting with the firing subsystem control box, which - depending on the kind of shot: single/salvo - controlled the relays 45a and 51a Lagenwinkel
32 The deflection angle dial Vorhaltwinkel Zeiger
33 The drum representing the maximum length of the torpedo run Reichweite
34 The scale for reading the maximum permissible distance to the target in the moment of the torpedo launch Reichentfernung
35 The maximum length of the torpedo run knob Reichweite Drehknopf
36 The maximum length of the torpedo run indicator Reichweite Zeiger
39b The torpedo salvo spread angle dial Streuwinkel Zeiger
40a The socket for the cable connecting with the firing subsystem control box, which - depending on the kind of shot: single/salvo - switched the control of the motor of the component for calculating the torpedo salvo spread angle to the comparator or to the "zero-setting indicator" Streuwinkel
42 The torpedo spread angle knob Streuwinkel Drehknopf
47 The angular speed correction dial Drehgeschwindigkeit Zeiger
48 The angular speed correction knob  Drehgeschwindigkeit Drehknopf
53 The target follow-up control lamp  Blaulampe
54 The socket for connecting the drying device Lüftung
55 The socket for connecting the drying device Lüftung
57 The target length knob Gegnerlänge Drehknopf
58 The target length indicator  Gegnerlänge Zeiger
60 The switch for enabling the component for calculating the current angle on the bow Lage Laufend Abschalter
61 The socket for the cable connecting with the follow-up switch in the control room Magnetkupplg. f. Lagenwinkel
62 The torpedo gyro synchronization control lamp Deckungslampe
63 The follow-up switch Blauschlater


The target bearing dial (1) The gyro angle dial (19) The angle on the bow dial (14) The scale for reading the maximum permissible distance to the target in the moment of the torpedo launch (34) The drum representing the maximum length of the torpedo run (33) The motor of the component for calculating the current angle on the bow (31) The comparator of the component for calculating the current target bearing (44) The own course change dial (15) The torpedo salvo spread angle dial (39b) The motor of the component for calculating the torpedo salvo spread angle (40) Torpedo salvo spread angle selsyn transmitter (43) The motor of the component for entering the target bearing (2) The motor of the component for calculating the parallax correction (25) The parallax correction dial (24b) The target speed dial (7) The deflection angle dial (32)
Nr English name German name
1 The target bearing dial Zielrichtung Zeiger
2 The motor of the component for entering the target bearing Zielrichtung Motor
7 The target speed dial Gegnerfahrt Zeiger
14 The angle on the bow dial Lagenwinkel Zeiger
15 The own course change dial Kurs zunehmend Zeiger
19 The gyro angle dial Schußwinkel Zeiger
24b The parallax correction dial Parallaxwinkel Zeiger
25 The motor of the component for calculating the parallax correction Parallaxwinkel Motor
31 The motor of the component for calculating the current angle on the bow Lagenwinkel Motor
32 The deflection angle dial Vorhaltwinkel Zeiger
33 The drum representing the maximum length of the torpedo run Reichweite
34 The scale for reading the maximum permissible distance to the target in the moment of the torpedo launch Reichentfernung
39b The torpedo salvo spread angle dial Streuwinkel Zeiger
40 The motor of the component for calculating the torpedo salvo spread angle Streuwinkel Motor
43 Torpedo salvo spread angle selsyn transmitter Streuwinkel Geber
44 The comparator of the component for calculating the current target bearing Zielrichtung Motor Nachsteuerungengeber


The target follow-up relay electro-magnet (62a) The contacts of the target follow-up relay (62) The control contacts of the component for calculating the current target bearing (60a) The switch for enabling the component for calculating the current angle on the bow (60) The differential gear (59) The target length indicator (58) The target length knob (57) The torpedo impact angle differential gear (52) The electro-magnet of the coupling of the component for calculating current target bearing (51a) The coupling of the component for calculating current target bearing (51) The electro-magnet of the coupling of the component for calculating current angle on the bow (50a) The coupling of the component for calculating current angle on the bow (50) The parallax switch position indicator (49) The angular speed correction knob (48) The angular speed correction dial (47) The angular speed correction differential gear (46) The coil of the relay of the component for entering target bearing (45a) The contacts of the relay of the component for entering target bearing (45) The comparator of the component for calculating the current target bearing (44) Torpedo salvo spread angle selsyn transmitter (43) The torpedo spread angle knob (42) The component for calculating torpedo spread angle differential gear (41) The motor of the component for calculating the torpedo salvo spread angle (40) The zero-setting indicator (39c) The torpedo salvo spread angle dial (39b) The comparator of the component for calculating the torpedo salvo spread angle (39a) The 3-D cam of the component for calculating the torpedo salvo spread angle (38) The 3-D cam of the component for calculating the torpedo salvo spread angle (37) The maximum length of the torpedo run indicator (36) The maximum length of the torpedo run knob (35) The scale for reading the maximum permissible distance to the target in the moment of the torpedo launch (34) The drum representing the maximum length of the torpedo run (33) The deflection angle dial (32) The motor of the component for calculating the current angle on the bow (31) The distance to the target dial (30) The distance to the target knob (29) The parallax switch (28) The parallax correction knob (27) The component for calculating parallax correction differential gear (26) The motor of the component for calculating the parallax correction (25) The parallax correction dial (24b) The comparator of the component for calculating the parallax correction (24a) The 3-D cam of the component for calculating the parallax correction (23) The 3-D cam of the component for calculating the parallax correction (22) The 2-D cam of the component for calculating the parallax correction (21) The differential gear (20b) The differential gear (20a) The gyro angle dial coupled with gyro-angle selsyn transmitter (19) The component for calculating gyro angle differential gear (18) The differential gear (17) The own course selsyn receiver (16) The own course change dial (15) The angle on the bow dial (14) The component for calculating the current angle on the bow differential gear (13) The component for calculating the current angle on the bow differential gear (12) The differential gear (11) The angle on the bow knob (10) The torpedo speed indicator (9) The torpedo speed knob (8) The target speed dial (7) The target speed knob (6) The component for solving the torpedo triangle (5) The component for entering the target bearing differential gear (4) The target bearing knob (3) The motor of the component for entering the target bearing (2) The target bearing dial (1)


Nr English name German name
1 The target bearing dial Zielrichtung Zeiger
2 The motor of the component for entering the target bearing Zielrichtung Motor
3 The target bearing knob Zielrichtung Drehknopf
4 The component for entering the target bearing differential gear Zielrichtung Differentialgetriebe
5 The component for solving the torpedo triangle Ziel-Dreieck
6 The target speed knob Gegnerfahrt Drehknopf
7 The target speed dial Gegnerfahrt Zeiger
8 The torpedo speed knob Torpedogeschwindigkeit Drehknopf
9 The torpedo speed indicator Torpedogeschwindigkeit Zeiger
10 The angle on the bow knob Lagenwinkel Drehknopf
11 The differential gear Differentialgetriebe
12 The component for calculating the current angle on the bow differential gear Lagenwinkel Differentialgetriebe
13 The component for calculating the current angle on the bow differential gear Kurs zunehmend Differentialgetriebe
14 The angle on the bow dial Lagenwinkel Zeiger
15 The own course change dial Kurs zunehmend Zeiger
16 The own course selsyn receiver Kurs Empfänger
17 The differential gear Differentialgetriebe
18 The component for calculating gyro angle differential gear Schußwinkel Differentialgetriebe
19 The gyro angle dial coupled with gyro-angle selsyn transmitter Schußwinkel Zeiger
20a The differential gear Differentialgetriebe
20b The differential gear Differentialgetriebe
21 The 2-D cam of the component for calculating the parallax correction Parallaxwinkel Kurvenkörper I
22 The 3-D cam of the component for calculating the parallax correction Parallaxwinkel Kurvenkörper II
23 The 3-D cam of the component for calculating the parallax correction Parallaxwinkel Kurvenkörper III
24a The comparator of the component for calculating the parallax correction Parallaxwinkel Komparator
24b The parallax correction dial Parallaxwinkel Zeiger
25 The motor of the component for calculating the parallax correction Parallaxwinkel Motor
26 The component for calculating parallax correction differential gear Parallaxwinkel Differentialgetriebe
27 The parallax correction knob Parallaxwinkel Drehknopf
28 The parallax switch Parallaxe Schalter
29 The distance to the target knob Entfernung Drehknopf
30 The distance to the target dial Entfernung Zeiger
31 The motor of the component for calculating the current angle on the bow Lagenwinkel Motor
32 The deflection angle dial Vorhaltwinkel Zeiger
33 The drum representing the maximum length of the torpedo run Reichweite
34 The scale for reading the maximum permissible distance to the target in the moment of the torpedo launch Reichentfernung
35 The maximum length of the torpedo run knob Reichweite Drehknopf
36 The maximum length of the torpedo run indicator Reichweite Zeiger
37 The 3-D cam of the component for calculating the torpedo salvo spread angle Streuwinkel Kurvenkörper I
38 The 3-D cam of the component for calculating the torpedo salvo spread angle Streuwinkel Kurvenkörper II
39a The comparator of the component for calculating the torpedo salvo spread angle Streuwinkel Komparator
39b The torpedo salvo spread angle dial Streuwinkel Zeiger
39c The zero-setting indicator Streuwinkel Null Komparator
40 The motor of the component for calculating the torpedo salvo spread angle Streuwinkel Motor
41 The component for calculating torpedo spread angle differential gear Streuwinkel Differentialgetriebe
42 The torpedo spread angle knob Streuwinkel Drehknopf
43 Torpedo salvo spread angle selsyn transmitter Streuwinkel Geber
44 The comparator of the component for calculating the current target bearing Zielrichtung Komparator
45 The contacts of the relay of the component for entering target bearing Zielrichtung Relais Kontake
45a The coil of the relay of the component for entering target bearing Zielrichtung Relais Elektromagnet
46 The angular speed correction differential gear  Drehgeschwindigkeit Differentialgetriebe
47 The angular speed correction dial Drehgeschwindigkeit Zeiger
48 The angular speed correction knob  Drehgeschwindigkeit Drehknopf
49 The parallax switch position indicator Parallaxe Schaltung Zeiger
50 The coupling of the component for calculating current angle on the bow Kurs zunehmend Elektromagnetkupplung
50a The electro-magnet of the coupling of the component for calculating current angle on the bow Kurs zunehmend Elektromagnet
51 The coupling of the component for calculating current target bearing Zielrichtung Elektromagnetkupplung
51a The electro-magnet of the coupling of the component for calculating current target bearing Zielrichtung Elektromagnet
52 The torpedo impact angle differential gear Schneidungwinkel Differentialgetriebe
57 The target length knob Gegnerlänge Drehknopf
58 The target length indicator  Gegnerlänge Zeiger
59 The differential gear  Differentialgetriebe
60 The switch for enabling the component for calculating the current angle on the bow Lage Laufend Abschalter
60a The control contacts of the component for calculating the current target bearing Lage Laufend Kontake
62 The contacts of the target follow-up relay Blauschalter Relais Kontake
62a The target follow-up relay electro-magnet Blauschalter Relais Elektromagnet