Construction of the torpedo calculator T. Vh. Re. S3

Nr | English name | German name |
1 | The target bearing dial | Zielrichtung Zeiger |
3 | The target bearing knob | Zielrichtung Drehknopf |
6 | The target speed knob | Gegnerfahrt Drehknopf |
7 | The target speed dial | Gegnerfahrt Zeiger |
8 | The torpedo speed knob | Torpedogeschwindigkeit Drehknopf |
9 | The torpedo speed indicator | Torpedogeschwindigkeit Zeiger |
10 | The angle on the bow knob | Lagenwinkel Drehknopf |
14 | The angle on the bow dial | Lagenwinkel Zeiger |
15 | The own course change dial | Kurs zunehmend Zeiger |
19 | The gyro angle dial | Schußwinkel Zeiger |
24b | The parallax correction dial | Parallaxwinkel Zeiger |
27 | The parallax correction knob | Parallaxwinkel Drehknopf |
28 | The parallax switch | Parallaxe Schalter |
29 | The distance to the target knob | Entfernung Drehknopf |
30 | The distance to the target dial | Entfernung Zeiger |
31a | The socket for the cable connecting with the firing subsystem control box, which - depending on the kind of shot: single/salvo - controlled the relays 45a and 51a | Lagenwinkel |
32 | The deflection angle dial | Vorhaltwinkel Zeiger |
33 | The drum representing the maximum length of the torpedo run | Reichweite |
34 | The scale for reading the maximum permissible distance to the target in the moment of the torpedo launch | Reichentfernung |
35 | The maximum length of the torpedo run knob | Reichweite Drehknopf |
36 | The maximum length of the torpedo run indicator | Reichweite Zeiger |
39b | The torpedo salvo spread angle dial | Streuwinkel Zeiger |
40a | The socket for the cable connecting with the firing subsystem control box, which - depending on the kind of shot: single/salvo - switched the control of the motor of the component for calculating the torpedo salvo spread angle to the comparator or to the "zero-setting indicator" | Streuwinkel |
42 | The torpedo spread angle knob | Streuwinkel Drehknopf |
47 | The angular speed correction dial | Drehgeschwindigkeit Zeiger |
48 | The angular speed correction knob | Drehgeschwindigkeit Drehknopf |
53 | The target follow-up control lamp | Blaulampe |
54 | The socket for connecting the drying device | Lüftung |
55 | The socket for connecting the drying device | Lüftung |
57 | The target length knob | Gegnerlänge Drehknopf |
58 | The target length indicator | Gegnerlänge Zeiger |
60 | The switch for enabling the component for calculating the current angle on the bow | Lage Laufend Abschalter |
61 | The socket for the cable connecting with the follow-up switch in the control room | Magnetkupplg. f. Lagenwinkel |
62 | The torpedo gyro synchronization control lamp | Deckungslampe |
63 | The follow-up switch | Blauschlater |

Nr | English name | German name |
1 | The target bearing dial | Zielrichtung Zeiger |
2 | The motor of the component for entering the target bearing | Zielrichtung Motor |
7 | The target speed dial | Gegnerfahrt Zeiger |
14 | The angle on the bow dial | Lagenwinkel Zeiger |
15 | The own course change dial | Kurs zunehmend Zeiger |
19 | The gyro angle dial | Schußwinkel Zeiger |
24b | The parallax correction dial | Parallaxwinkel Zeiger |
25 | The motor of the component for calculating the parallax correction | Parallaxwinkel Motor |
31 | The motor of the component for calculating the current angle on the bow | Lagenwinkel Motor |
32 | The deflection angle dial | Vorhaltwinkel Zeiger |
33 | The drum representing the maximum length of the torpedo run | Reichweite |
34 | The scale for reading the maximum permissible distance to the target in the moment of the torpedo launch | Reichentfernung |
39b | The torpedo salvo spread angle dial | Streuwinkel Zeiger |
40 | The motor of the component for calculating the torpedo salvo spread angle | Streuwinkel Motor |
43 | Torpedo salvo spread angle selsyn transmitter | Streuwinkel Geber |
44 | The comparator of the component for calculating the current target bearing | Zielrichtung Motor Nachsteuerungengeber |

Nr | English name | German name |
1 | The target bearing dial | Zielrichtung Zeiger |
2 | The motor of the component for entering the target bearing | Zielrichtung Motor |
3 | The target bearing knob | Zielrichtung Drehknopf |
4 | The component for entering the target bearing differential gear | Zielrichtung Differentialgetriebe |
5 | The component for solving the torpedo triangle | Ziel-Dreieck |
6 | The target speed knob | Gegnerfahrt Drehknopf |
7 | The target speed dial | Gegnerfahrt Zeiger |
8 | The torpedo speed knob | Torpedogeschwindigkeit Drehknopf |
9 | The torpedo speed indicator | Torpedogeschwindigkeit Zeiger |
10 | The angle on the bow knob | Lagenwinkel Drehknopf |
11 | The differential gear | Differentialgetriebe |
12 | The component for calculating the current angle on the bow differential gear | Lagenwinkel Differentialgetriebe |
13 | The component for calculating the current angle on the bow differential gear | Kurs zunehmend Differentialgetriebe |
14 | The angle on the bow dial | Lagenwinkel Zeiger |
15 | The own course change dial | Kurs zunehmend Zeiger |
16 | The own course selsyn receiver | Kurs Empfänger |
17 | The differential gear | Differentialgetriebe |
18 | The component for calculating gyro angle differential gear | Schußwinkel Differentialgetriebe |
19 | The gyro angle dial coupled with gyro-angle selsyn transmitter | Schußwinkel Zeiger |
20a | The differential gear | Differentialgetriebe |
20b | The differential gear | Differentialgetriebe |
21 | The 2-D cam of the component for calculating the parallax correction | Parallaxwinkel Kurvenkörper I |
22 | The 3-D cam of the component for calculating the parallax correction | Parallaxwinkel Kurvenkörper II |
23 | The 3-D cam of the component for calculating the parallax correction | Parallaxwinkel Kurvenkörper III |
24a | The comparator of the component for calculating the parallax correction | Parallaxwinkel Komparator |
24b | The parallax correction dial | Parallaxwinkel Zeiger |
25 | The motor of the component for calculating the parallax correction | Parallaxwinkel Motor |
26 | The component for calculating parallax correction differential gear | Parallaxwinkel Differentialgetriebe |
27 | The parallax correction knob | Parallaxwinkel Drehknopf |
28 | The parallax switch | Parallaxe Schalter |
29 | The distance to the target knob | Entfernung Drehknopf |
30 | The distance to the target dial | Entfernung Zeiger |
31 | The motor of the component for calculating the current angle on the bow | Lagenwinkel Motor |
32 | The deflection angle dial | Vorhaltwinkel Zeiger |
33 | The drum representing the maximum length of the torpedo run | Reichweite |
34 | The scale for reading the maximum permissible distance to the target in the moment of the torpedo launch | Reichentfernung |
35 | The maximum length of the torpedo run knob | Reichweite Drehknopf |
36 | The maximum length of the torpedo run indicator | Reichweite Zeiger |
37 | The 3-D cam of the component for calculating the torpedo salvo spread angle | Streuwinkel Kurvenkörper I |
38 | The 3-D cam of the component for calculating the torpedo salvo spread angle | Streuwinkel Kurvenkörper II |
39a | The comparator of the component for calculating the torpedo salvo spread angle | Streuwinkel Komparator |
39b | The torpedo salvo spread angle dial | Streuwinkel Zeiger |
39c | The zero-setting indicator | Streuwinkel Null Komparator |
40 | The motor of the component for calculating the torpedo salvo spread angle | Streuwinkel Motor |
41 | The component for calculating torpedo spread angle differential gear | Streuwinkel Differentialgetriebe |
42 | The torpedo spread angle knob | Streuwinkel Drehknopf |
43 | Torpedo salvo spread angle selsyn transmitter | Streuwinkel Geber |
44 | The comparator of the component for calculating the current target bearing | Zielrichtung Komparator |
45 | The contacts of the relay of the component for entering target bearing | Zielrichtung Relais Kontake |
45a | The coil of the relay of the component for entering target bearing | Zielrichtung Relais Elektromagnet |
46 | The angular speed correction differential gear | Drehgeschwindigkeit Differentialgetriebe |
47 | The angular speed correction dial | Drehgeschwindigkeit Zeiger |
48 | The angular speed correction knob | Drehgeschwindigkeit Drehknopf |
49 | The parallax switch position indicator | Parallaxe Schaltung Zeiger |
50 | The coupling of the component for calculating current angle on the bow | Kurs zunehmend Elektromagnetkupplung |
50a | The electro-magnet of the coupling of the component for calculating current angle on the bow | Kurs zunehmend Elektromagnet |
51 | The coupling of the component for calculating current target bearing | Zielrichtung Elektromagnetkupplung |
51a | The electro-magnet of the coupling of the component for calculating current target bearing | Zielrichtung Elektromagnet |
52 | The torpedo impact angle differential gear | Schneidungwinkel Differentialgetriebe |
57 | The target length knob | Gegnerlänge Drehknopf |
58 | The target length indicator | Gegnerlänge Zeiger |
59 | The differential gear | Differentialgetriebe |
60 | The switch for enabling the component for calculating the current angle on the bow | Lage Laufend Abschalter |
60a | The control contacts of the component for calculating the current target bearing | Lage Laufend Kontake |
62 | The contacts of the target follow-up relay | Blauschalter Relais Kontake |
62a | The target follow-up relay electro-magnet | Blauschalter Relais Elektromagnet |